Plastic Free July

Join us for a month of challenges, tips, and discounts in honor of Plastic Free July and our 6th birthday!

Every year, the US produces 40 million tons of plastic waste. Less than 8% is recycled.

This Plastic Free July, join us and 100 million+ other people around the world in fighting plastic pollution.

This year, we’re challenging you to set yourself up for a waste-free month.

Whether it’s a body product with ‘naked’ packaging, or swapping plastic wrap for reusable food storage, consider what you need to help make plastic-free habits stick.

And each week we’ll pick 2 orders to receive 100% money back!

Just let us know what you purchased that week and how it will help you reduce your plastic waste. Share on Instagram and tag @zerowastestore or via email [email protected] for the chance to win a full refund!

Make sure you sign up for emails to follow along!

Pssst. Did you know this July is also our ZeroWasteStore’s 6th birthday? Even more reason to celebrate! Keep an eye out for our BIG BIRTHDAY BASH SALE on the 19th-23rd.


What is Plastic Free July?

Plastic Free July is a global movement that brings people together to be part of the solution to plastic pollution. Over the last 5 years, participants have collectively avoided 10 billion kgs of waste - that’s around 50,000 blue whales!

This year’s theme is small steps, big difference. As a company dedicated to making sustainable choices simple and accessible, we’re super excited to get involved.

Our plastic-free promise is about the small commitments we can all take each week, to build habits that make a big difference in the long run – are you ready to get started?

Plastic-free July fact sheet

Join our Plastic Free July challenge 2024


What's the Challenge?

Each week, you’ll be encouraged to make to ditch the plastic in one area of your life, in favor of more sustainable alternatives:

  • Week 1 — Bathroom
  • Week 2 — Kitchen
  • Week 3 — Cleaning
  • Week 4 — On-the-Go

What's the Prize?

Other than cutting back on your plastic usage, each week we’ll be choosing 2 orders to receive 100% money back on their purchase.

How do I join in?

  • Make a purchase from us during the month of July that you think will help reduce your plastic waste
  • Let us know what your ordered and why on Instagram and tag @zerowastestore, or send it to us via email [email protected]
  • Each week, we'll pick 2 random orders to receive a full refund, so you get ZWS products on us!

One step further… at the end of the month, you can save, print, and fill in the Plastic-Free Promise below and put it up where you’ll see it every day as a reminder to keep going beyond July!


Zero Waste Swap Ideas For Plastic Free July & Beyond


SWAP your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one

SWAP your synthetic sponge for a natural one

SWAP your shampoo or conditioner bottles with bars



SWAP plastic dish brushes for wooden ones

SWAP paper towels for reusable cloths

SWAP plastic wrap for beeswax wraps



SWAP wet wipes for reusable disinfectant wipes

SWAP chemical cleaning sprays for multi-use cleaning powder

SWAP laundry detergent bottles for laundry detergent sheets



SWAP plastic shopping bags for tote bags

SWAP takeout coffee cups for you’re a reusable coffee cup

 SWAP plastic-packaged snacks for reusable snack bags


Where do I start?

We’ve given you lots of ideas, but if you're looking for an all-in-one solution, our Zero Waste Starter Kit has everything you need to start your plastic-free journey.

It has bestsellers for the Kitchen, Bathroom, Laundry, and On-the-Go, to help you build routines for July & beyond.

Drop element here

Beyond July...

The biggest challenge of Plastic-free July is to make your promises last for the rest of the year. Here are our top tips for making habits stick:

  • Start small: make one small Plastic Free Promise each week to add-up over time.
  • Set SMART goals: make sure your promises are Specific, Measurable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. For example: ‘‘I promise to reduce my plastic waste at work by bringing food in a reusable container at least 4 days a week’’.
  • Remember your ‘why’: read up on plastic pollution to stay motivated.

Know Your Sustainable ‘WHY’ for Plastic Free July

Drop element here

ZeroWasteStore will be here all year round to bring you sustainable swaps and educational resources to reduce single-use plastics.

Join us to #rethinkyourwaste this Plastic Free July & beyond.